Truly Intelligent Business

Pentland Brands SoW - PENT002

Statement of Work

Retained Professional Services for Acrotrend at Pentland Brands

Ref: PENT002


Acrotrend, 7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR
Truly Intelligent Business, The Gallery, Kings Wharf, The Quay, Exeter, Devon. EX2 4AN


This Statement of Work is an agreement between the Customer to purchase and Truly Intelligent Business to supply the Services as set out in this Statement of Work. This Statement of Work incorporates all of the clauses and definitions contained in Truly Intelligent Business's Terms and Conditions of Business, as amended or supplemented from time to time. Except as otherwise expressly specified in this Statement of Work, the defined terms used in this Statement of Work shall have the same meanings as the defined terms in Truly Intelligent Business's Terms and Conditions of Business. In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between those Terms and Conditions of Business and this Statement of Work, the provisions in this Statement of Work shall prevail.

This Statement of Work is valid from 11 March 2022 to 09 September 2022 unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms set out in this Statement of Work.


Pentland Brands is a client of Acrotrend. Pentland Brands is implementing data governance to ensure the high quality of its data. Pentland Brands has acquired a data governance framework via Acrotrend's Data Governance Accelerator and is performing a ‘stock-take’ of the business’s data by prototyping a data catalogue. Pentland Brands now requires support and expertise to lead and facilitate deployment of the data governance framework into everyday business operations.

More broadly, Pentland Brands continues to respond to current data issues and develop future data capabilities. Pentland Brands requires support and expertise to build momentum and ensure the success of these activities



This Statement of Work is aligned to the following objectives of the Customer:

  1. Support the Global Head of Data in efforts to develop a globally standardised set of data capabilities.
  2. Embed data governance organisation structure in the business, by assigning key data governance roles in the data governance organisation structure to appropriate members of incumbent teams.
  3. Conduct basic training and knowledge transfer necessary to equip relevant stakeholders with the knowledge required to effectively operate and continue to evolve the data governance framework.
  4. Facilitate business communications which position the data governance framework positively in people’s minds, such that the framework is on a strong footing for effective wider deployment.
  5. Continue to capture additional data use cases, which define the ways in which data should or must be used to achieve key business objectives (see – Engagement Scope)
  6. Prioritise a subset of data use cases which are both sufficiently feasible and beneficial to justify their realisation ahead of any others.
  7. Support continued development of the prototype data catalogue, to enable scrutiny of the quality of data which correspond to prioritised data use cases.
  8. Define and document data quality standards which will need to be met to enable prioritised data use cases to be realised.


Success Criteria

The objectives will be agreed to have been met when the following criteria are satisfied:

  1. One or more Data Owners exist, who are comfortably informed about and trained in their role, so that they are able to perform it effectively.
  2. One or more Data Stewards exist, who are comfortably informed about and trained in their role, so that they are able to perform it effectively.
  3. A Data Governance Committee exists, which has convened Data Owners and Stewards at least once, and has published a schedule for regular future dialogue between Data Owners and Stewards.
  4. All members of the Data Governance Committee agree that they possess the knowledge and materials necessary to effectively operate and continue to evolve the data governance framework.
  5. Business communications have been published, which Data Governance Committee members all agree has effectively positioned the data governance framework positively in people’s minds.
  6. The Data Governance Committee possesses a backlog of prioritised data use cases.
  7. Since the commencement of this SoW, the prototype data catalogue has expanded to include additional analysis and inventory of more data relationships and flows.
  8. Since the commencement of this SoW, the prototype data catalogue has expanded to include data quality standards which relate to newly added data topics.


Engagement Scope

The following criteria define what is not within the scope of this SOW.

  1. Data quality issue remediation.
  2. Other services or deliverables not explicitly specified in this SOW.
  3. Provision of services beyond the period for which this SOW is valid.

Truly Intelligent Business will supply the Customer with the following Services and Deliverables:

Service Delivery

Retained services will be supplied at the Customer’s request and when a consultant is available. Retained services will be supplied in units of 7 hours (one day) and tracked in timesheets which will be supplied to the Customer on monthly basis.


To achieve the Objectives, the following outcomes will be targeted for delivery. These Deliverables and related objectives and success criteria may be revised and prioritised with the Global Head of Data and the available time within the SoW will be allocated.

  1. Appointment of Data Owners and Data Stewards.
  2. Implementation of data governance processes and procedures.
  3. High-level data journey analysis.
  4. Data relationship analysis (an enterprise conceptual data model).
  5. Further development of the prototype data catalogue.
  6. Data quality standards (documented in the prototype data catalogue).
  7. Documented data use cases.
  8. Data use case prioritisation (based on analysis of feasibility and business benefit).


Change Management

It may become necessary to amend this SOW for reasons including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Revision of the engagement scope.
  2. Changes in the working environment.
  3. Unavailability of access to systems, required resources or subject matter experts.
  4. Significant delays arising through factors beyond the engagement scope.

In the event where it is necessary to amend this SOW, The Supplier or the Customer will communicate a change request. Any change request will be analysed by both parties, the change impacts will be discussed, and the change request will be approved or rejected with agreement of both parties. When a change is approved, an addendum to this SOW will be created.


Activities to provide the Services may be performed at any of the following locations, in accordance with prevailing COVID-19 safe working practices.

  • Supplier offices in UK and working from home.
  • Customer offices in the UK.
  • Pentland Brands offices in the UK and USA.

Truly Intelligent Business operates a flexible working policy, which allows our consultants to operate from the best locations for them to deliver the best results for our clients, whilst also minimising the costs and environmental impacts of unnecessary travel. Work may therefore take place at other locations with prior approval of the Customer.


Pricing and Notices


This SOW is costed on a retained services basis. A mix of two levels of service expertise is provided, allowing the Customer to draw flexibly on the retained services, at a rate which most cost-effectively aligns to the Customer’s needs

Service One:

Quantity Details Unit Price Total Price
30 Days
Data Management and Governance (Partner)
£ 1,250 £ 37,500
30 Days Volume discount (£ 200) (£ 6,000)
  Total £ 1,050 £ 31,500

Service Two:

Quantity Details Unit Price Total Price
45 Days
Senior Data Management Consultant
£ 833 £ 37,485
45 Days Volume discount (£ 133) (£ 5,985)
  Total £ 700 £ 31,500



Truly Intelligent Business will submit an invoice to the Customer in advance.

Payment Terms

  1. Fees are excluding VAT and other applicable taxes.
  2. Costs for additional infrastructure and software or hardware licensing are not included in the fees.
  3. Travel and additional expenses will be invoiced at cost in accordance with the Customer's travel policy.


  1. Either party may terminate this Statement of Work with a minimum notice period of 20 business days.
  2. In the event of Statement of Work termination, the Customer is liable to pay the fees as described within this Statement of Work for Services that have been completed, in addition to the fees for agreed services occurring within the 20 working days termination notice period.

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Signed by Phil Husbands
Signed On: May 4, 2022

Signature Certificate
Document name: Pentland Brands SoW - PENT002
lock iconUnique Document ID: 4ca61d8e9b8894ec21f5e7ccaf48fe5c662a2e18
Timestamp Audit
May 4, 2022 09:09 GMTPentland Brands SoW - PENT002 Uploaded by Phil Husbands - IP